Central Texas Reporter

Archive for June, 2018|Monthly archive page

Submissions from the Public

In Corruption, News, Reader Contributions on June 14, 2018 at 12:14

We’re always interested in stories of fraud and corruption.  You are welcome to make submissions to centraltexasreporter@protonmail.com, but please understand that we cannot use all stories, and we cannot investigate every lead.  We will make contact with you if we think we can use your story.  We particularly enjoy local government whistleblowers, as it is our experience that many of these stories go unreported and are “open secrets” for many years in some small communities before they ever gain public exposure. Also be mindful that we can only cover so large an area.  If you’re within fifty miles of Killeen, Texas, we may well be interested.  If you live in a county that borders Bell or Coryell counties, we may well be interested.